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Search: Posts Made By: Syn
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 22nd, 2008, 00:15
Replies: 38
Views: 19,085
Posted By Syn
I remember reading that the screw on option was...

I remember reading that the screw on option was for testing it attached to mechbox when outside your gun. Really its the spring on the outer barrel that will hold the hop up flush to the mechbox...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 24th, 2008, 20:10
Replies: 15
Views: 11,207
Posted By Syn
ummm hockey tape dries up and then leaves gooey...

ummm hockey tape dries up and then leaves gooey mess when you peel it off to replace it. I use to use it on all kinds of sports gear eg, baseball bat grip. I only use it on hockey sticks now or...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 24th, 2008, 19:42
Replies: 15
Views: 11,207
Posted By Syn
tennis grip, or even better buy gloves that have...

tennis grip, or even better buy gloves that have good grip.
Forum: Gear Discussion September 16th, 2008, 21:32
Replies: 49
Views: 23,792
Posted By Syn
Got these mecahnix mpact for $15 at Canadian Tire...

Got these mecahnix mpact for $15 at Canadian Tire on sale. Not too thick or thin and the knuckle plastic helps protect a bit. I painted the plastic black.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 12th, 2008, 11:17
Replies: 25
Views: 18,010
Posted By Syn
Modify highspeed gear set here. Have a King arms...

Modify highspeed gear set here. Have a King arms chip wishing to be installed. Trouble is the KA chip has a hole diameter way too small. I thought about filing it but then the hole would end up...
Forum: General September 12th, 2008, 11:08
Replies: 15
Views: 15,021
Posted By Syn
Walmart has the co2 caplets too.

Walmart has the co2 caplets too.
Forum: General August 31st, 2008, 21:33
Replies: 12
Views: 11,712
Posted By Syn
Some interesting posting: ...

Some interesting posting:
Forum: General August 31st, 2008, 17:39
Replies: 12
Views: 11,712
Posted By Syn
IIRC on the discover channel airsoft bb too small...

IIRC on the discover channel airsoft bb too small to benefit from dimpling like golf balls. I can't wait for testing result to find out who is right.
Forum: Gear Discussion August 30th, 2008, 00:20
Replies: 32
Views: 23,671
Posted By Syn
oh and the cut and design of the bdu is also...

oh and the cut and design of the bdu is also another huge consideration. eg I love mandarin collar.
Forum: Gear Discussion August 30th, 2008, 00:11
Replies: 32
Views: 23,671
Posted By Syn
"Digital camouflage is a pattern devised by...

"Digital camouflage is a pattern devised by utilizing small micropatterns, as opposed to larger macropatterns for effective disruption"...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 29th, 2008, 12:42
Replies: 14
Views: 11,899
Posted By Syn
Hey thanks!

Hey thanks!
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 29th, 2008, 08:37
Replies: 22
Views: 13,793
Posted By Syn
If you've got some sort of explanations for the...

If you've got some sort of explanations for the charge types for it, share please.
If I had to buy another charger, I'd buy the $35 smart charger that just shuts off when done. The one I have TLP...
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 28th, 2008, 23:20
Replies: 22
Views: 13,793
Posted By Syn
1400mah, usually can get them to 1526 on the lcd....

1400mah, usually can get them to 1526 on the lcd. Damm I'm probably degrading their life then.
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 28th, 2008, 23:05
Replies: 10
Views: 13,690
Posted By Syn
You have to register to this links airsoft forum....

You have to register to this links airsoft forum. That is a really good picture guide for the g36 barrel/hopup disassembly which i learned from. It is step by step so you can't go wrong.
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 28th, 2008, 22:34
Replies: 22
Views: 13,793
Posted By Syn
wait wat? I have the LCD version of that charger....

wait wat? I have the LCD version of that charger. So the beeps mean the battery is done charging, Because I let the batteries get hot to the touch and the mah reach around 1500 Mah on the lcd screen....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 28th, 2008, 20:59
Replies: 31
Views: 16,883
Posted By Syn
Get Verified. Also re-read Knyte comment again....

Get Verified. Also re-read Knyte comment again. It went zoom right over some of your heads. I enjoyed it though. I would like to repeat... "HARD CORE!" Your 13 year old friends will say ":That's...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 28th, 2008, 20:44
Replies: 31
Views: 16,883
Posted By Syn
Are you in the USA? If yes, I would suggest...

Are you in the USA? If yes, I would suggest checking out JG guns, they should be in approximately the same price range and not clearsoft. Also check if the FPS they are stating is for .20 bb and not...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 27th, 2008, 21:54
Replies: 20
Views: 20,548
Posted By Syn,-79.801962&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=18&sll=43.32245,-79.801506&sspn=0.003446,0.008583&ie=UTF8&z=17

knock 5 times wait exactly 27...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 19th, 2008, 23:10
Replies: 8
Views: 7,715
Posted By Syn
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 19th, 2008, 22:25
Replies: 38
Views: 24,073
Posted By Syn
crap that is huge. How long is barrel? (or did...

crap that is huge. How long is barrel? (or did you mean 525mm barrel?)
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 19th, 2008, 22:06
Replies: 38
Views: 24,073
Posted By Syn
Forum: General August 17th, 2008, 22:15
Replies: 15
Views: 14,239
Posted By Syn
slightly related...

slightly related
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 9th, 2008, 20:14
Replies: 12
Views: 13,090
Posted By Syn
Interesting Halo. worth about $75 ...

Interesting Halo. worth about $75

Is that mofo heavy enough to effect quick handling? Heard it is made of solid piece of...
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 9th, 2008, 13:54
Replies: 12
Views: 13,090
Posted By Syn
I was just going to slap this on a g36c with a...

I was just going to slap this on a g36c with a longer barrel (if it will take it) and call it a day.

Not in the mood to convert to a K.

Forum: Doctor's Corner August 7th, 2008, 15:10
Replies: 63
Views: 34,389
Posted By Syn
G36 hop up disassembly guide half way through...

G36 hop up disassembly guide half way through this thread:
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications August 2nd, 2008, 23:27
Replies: 4
Views: 5,014
Posted By Syn
hmm should not be tight. Why is it tight? thick...

hmm should not be tight. Why is it tight? thick JG stock lube?
Hope it is not parts mismatch if you have upgraded parts.

btw caught a few (5) 14-17" smallmouth at Belwood yesterday. ...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 31st, 2008, 09:35
Replies: 20
Views: 21,871
Posted By Syn
1) I don't know much about the set sorry, likely...

1) I don't know much about the set sorry, likely a gun doc or the seller would know more.
2) No, just use it until the bushing breaks then go to metal.
3) All of the 9-10 Jg g36c I have seen so...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 31st, 2008, 09:06
Replies: 20
Views: 21,871
Posted By Syn
Well you have to keep the rubber (or whatever...

Well you have to keep the rubber (or whatever vinyl) hopup sleeve and nub flexible so it needs some kind of lube or it will dry out.

As for barrel it gets a drop of silicone oil just before I...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 30th, 2008, 23:58
Replies: 20
Views: 21,871
Posted By Syn
imo white lithium for the gears, and then find...

imo white lithium for the gears, and then find something silicone based thinner grease for the cylinder that won't eat the oring on the piston head.

I got a tube of superlube grease, waiting to...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 30th, 2008, 23:45
Replies: 32
Views: 20,480
Posted By Syn
Congrats! Good to hear it is ready for action. ...

Congrats! Good to hear it is ready for action.

Even in computers so many times people call me and I always ask "you sure that its assembled correctly" --80% of the time I get a call back saying...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 30th, 2008, 19:22
Replies: 20
Views: 21,871
Posted By Syn
no you are confusing two different things. ...

no you are confusing two different things.

ALL JG G36c have a ver3 mechbox. But Echo1 sold different versions of the gun exactly same as JG g36c. Echo1 for example took Jg guns and preinstalled...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 30th, 2008, 18:46
Replies: 20
Views: 21,871
Posted By Syn
I don't think there is much difference in price...

I don't think there is much difference in price between the cheaper and the higher priced one. I think you just pay more for stronger metal but you also get added feature such as oil or double oil...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 30th, 2008, 18:03
Replies: 20
Views: 21,871
Posted By Syn
a whole set and you have to do trial and error to...

a whole set and you have to do trial and error to find the best fit, not too tight, not too loose. oh joy.
Google or check this forum for a shimming guide.

FOUR DOLLARS Canadian or...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 30th, 2008, 17:50
Replies: 20
Views: 21,871
Posted By Syn
6mm in stock jg g36c mechbox. eg...

6mm in stock jg g36c mechbox.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 29th, 2008, 18:04
Replies: 14
Views: 14,770
Posted By Syn
Also depends on the socks you wear and if you...

Also depends on the socks you wear and if you have a fancy $30 aftermarket insole.
I try on boot instore first eg MD Charlton and then decide if I will buy there from there or online knowing the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 28th, 2008, 23:45
Replies: 32
Views: 20,480
Posted By Syn
Well then for significant gap of over afew mm,...

Well then for significant gap of over afew mm, get a longer nozzle would be my best suggestion rather than filing a mm off the tabs.

One guy filed the tabs off completely to make sure the hopup...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 28th, 2008, 23:12
Replies: 32
Views: 20,480
Posted By Syn
Is your hop up chamber metal or plastic? ...

Is your hop up chamber metal or plastic?
Because if it is metal, you could shave the 1mm from the tabs and that would bring back the hop up chamber back closer to the mechbox and hence give you a...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 28th, 2008, 18:35
Replies: 7
Views: 6,045
Posted By Syn
I need some too. Huang thread or ebay methinks.

I need some too. Huang thread or ebay methinks.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 28th, 2008, 13:17
Replies: 11
Views: 8,159
Posted By Syn
cat crap? Cat Crap Anti-fog Cleaner...

cat crap? Cat Crap Anti-fog Cleaner by EK: Sports & Outdoors (
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 27th, 2008, 14:13
Replies: 41
Views: 235,558
Posted By Syn
I can't find a better thread to post this. ...

I can't find a better thread to post this.

My deans connector 24k gold plated:
Electrical connection on 2 of the connectors I soldered months ago are coming apart. I am buying new solder...
Forum: General July 26th, 2008, 22:18
Replies: 3
Views: 5,308
Posted By Syn
There was a thread with pics of cylinders with...

There was a thread with pics of cylinders with different location of air holes. I will dig it up if I can.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 26th, 2008, 20:34
Replies: 100
Views: 42,301
Posted By Syn

EFG where are you?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 24th, 2008, 22:35
Replies: 23
Views: 17,261
Posted By Syn
lazors and crapsoft (or airsoft) don't mix. You...

lazors and crapsoft (or airsoft) don't mix. You blind other players.
Also you are 16!
Forum: General July 24th, 2008, 22:08
Replies: 44
Views: 24,401
Posted By Syn
Need to check pawn shops for stolen goods. I...

Need to check pawn shops for stolen goods.

I think I met the owner, met him at the TTAC3 trade show in Jan IIRC.
This is sad but I think he has store insurance. Hopefully the culprit(s) get...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 24th, 2008, 22:04
Replies: 32
Views: 20,480
Posted By Syn
Check the nozzle you installed with the stock...

Check the nozzle you installed with the stock nozzle to see if the modify one is shorter. If it is shorter then it won't completely seal with the hop up rubber giving a good "kiss" to seal,...
Forum: General July 24th, 2008, 18:48
Replies: 34
Views: 23,180
Posted By Syn
bass prio-->krackens creative outdoors --->...

bass prio-->krackens

creative outdoors ---> bdu and other gear
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 24th, 2008, 07:58
Replies: 21
Views: 13,844
Posted By Syn
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 20th, 2008, 15:56
Replies: 31
Views: 21,604
Posted By Syn
Did they use bubble wrap? damaged during...

Did they use bubble wrap? damaged during shipping?

What is their return policy?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 20th, 2008, 10:25
Replies: 32
Views: 20,480
Posted By Syn
Doubt you would have to worry about barrel suck...

Doubt you would have to worry about barrel suck at 385mm unless you are using a crazy ROF setup.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 18th, 2008, 16:33
Replies: 32
Views: 26,160
Posted By Syn
HA I just realized you live in elora. I am going...

HA I just realized you live in elora. I am going to Belwood lake next week for pike.

I agree spending $120+ for a chrono is money well spent on something else if you are just going to use it a few...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 335

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