I've read mixed things about the TSC adjustable nozzle as well. I'm not sure how much of it were guys pissed about not getting every o-ring that was supposed to come with it...and how much was related to actual performance/lack-of.
Alfred's got one coming in...I'll check in with him after he gets it for results.
On another note...for the WE guys who have taken their hopups/barrels apart. Do you have the lime-green hopup rubbers or the new black ones? I wanted to get a couple of replacement rubbers (blowing chopped BBs out the barrel will nick the ticklers on the hopup rubber) and evike had them listed for $5.
Ceasar (sales dude) said that he'd put them into a plain envelope for me...but they were the new black ones. After checking with their tech guys, the word was that the black ones work with the newer 6.025mm (or something like that) chrome tightbores. I suppose the nub sits deeper or shallower in the barrel cut out. Evike doesn't have them listed on their site, but they just got a batch of barrels in 2 days ago.
So...has anyone tried the new black rubbers with the tightbores? without the tightbores? There's mixed (and probably not so favourable) reviews so far on GasGun Info's forum.
Now that I know they have the barrels...I think that I'll put in an order. Anyone else want a new hopup rubber and a tightbore (I know for sure that they had 5 rubbers in stock as of Tuesday).