Originally Posted by NVC
Dont cheap out on good boots. I was at a game 2 weeks ago in a foot of snow with wet drizzle rain. Everyone's feet was soaked with water squishing around in our toes including myself. My friend got these Gortex Miltary suplus boots for $75 at a local shop and his feet was warm and dry all day. I just pick a pair for myself and used it a game 2 days ago and they worked great. Here's a link for you to check out.
Bingo! And I'll add in, you'll be on your feet all day, you need boots that are comfy on your feet, and good insoles help, along with decent socks. Too many times my feet got sore halfway through, and my lower back (mind you, I tend to lug about 40lbs worth of gear all day, including a 14lb sniper rifle slung on my back).