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Old December 4th, 2009, 23:26   #325
bananabotdan's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Calgary, Alberta
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1) Make and Model
Aftermath Kraken

2) Purchase Date
November 2008

3) Cost
around $200-275? (origanal cost on

4) New/Used

5) Mechanical Problems
No mechanical problems to date. (I have opened the gear box for basic maintenance such as lubricating and re-shimming)

6) Aesthetic Problems
- lower reviver is quite brittle and the 3/4 hooks used to connect the receiver to the assembly that holds the cocking lever have broken from the reviver over its over a year of operation.
- while lent to a friend during a game the rear sight was torn off (probably caught on fabric or a tree while sung over back) the action of the sight being torn off shattered the plastic holder that usually hods the sight.

7)Round fired between failures

8) Changes to Internals or Externals
- cleaning as well as lubrication
- basic maintenance

9) Resale Date And Value

Personal notes:
Great work horse gets the Job done on a strict budget. plastic externals are VERY cheap however the internals have held up very well and the metal components of the gun are rock solid.

Last edited by bananabotdan; December 4th, 2009 at 23:37..
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