hi guys. im very new to airsoft, still getting most of my gear, and i am sort of at a standstill for cammo gear.
i really hate the look of digital woodland or any type of woodland cammo stuff, i'm more attracted to ACU or multicam color. to give you an example of what i plan on getting is here:
now as for a combat vest i am looking at the 5.11 VTAC LBE Tactical Vest. they got flat dark earth and OD color..
now my question after this long paragraph is if i take the ACU or multicam cammo, will i be spotted easy outdoors as if i have a "I'm here shoot me!" sign? Also what color vest should i take?
reason i like the 5.11 is the mesh is very sturdy and the MOLLE after reviews seems to be better suited for my needs. also being a lefty helps putting a gun holster at the right spot for me.
any and all suggestions are more than welcome. i appreciate your comments.