First off, it depends on what you're setting up for. Indoors? Outdoors? Skirmishing? Serious milsim?
Seeing are you're in the Greater Montreal Area, currently the only indoor games will be at Action 500. Honestly it doesn't matter much what you wear there, it won't blend in with the lovely day-glow pink and yellow goo that covers everything in that place. :P
Are you buying it for looks, or do you want to maximize usefulness?
If you're looking for serious outdoor games, specially milsim, there's a few things you'll want to consider:
Like it or not, on the fields we play here the woodland color palette is king most of the year: US Woodland, WL MarPat, CadPat TW, Temperate DPM, Russian Flora, even Flecktarn. UCP (the name of the camo is Universal Camo Pattern, ACU [Army Combat Uniform] is the name of the garment/cut) will stick out in most situations (you have to know where/when to use it). The same is true, to a lesser extent, for Multicam (the pallet is too "deserty" and sticks out in our lush forests unless you really know when and how to use it, which most do not).
Another point to consider is whom you'll be playing with. If you plan on playing at organized games here (if not, where will you be playing?) you may want to take into account certain camo restrictions etc for factions. Unless you have other sets of camo, you may find yourself left out with less common patterns. This is especially true of the serious milsim games where camo uniformity is imposed.