Thread: Need Some Help
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Old July 7th, 2010, 10:35   #30
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
How is that possible? I'm sorry, that sounds absurd; how can I get criminally charged for a non-lethal item?
Law is sometimes absurd. And I take it that if you made a thread to ask if it would clear customs, then there is a part of you that knew there was a risk it wouldn't.

full metal airsoft rifles that are allowed in canada have to be tested by CBSA to determine if they match certain criteria, like FPS above 420 (i believe). if these criterias are fulfilled, then they are labeled as uncrontrolled firearms, which are legal. If they don't, they are labeled as replica firearms, which are illegal.

I only answer your question calmly because i've had the same questionning in the past (although i didn't buy anything before getting the right information, thats where i think your biggest mistake is), but i can't help but understand everyone here on these forums who are fed up and always get asked these things, when you could have EASILY found the information with a very small amount of research. Also if you're gonna ask a question, LISTEN to the answers. there's nothing wrong with finding the law absurd, but you're not gonna change it, and arguying with the people giving you the info you need won't change a thing either, you should only thank them.

and as for getting a criminal charge for a non lethal device, i would give you this example : try importing weed, see what happens. Its not because its not lethal that its legal.

Last edited by sewktbk; July 7th, 2010 at 11:34..
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