Thread: New TM Glock 18
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Old July 11th, 2010, 12:59   #12
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Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
Here's the best demonstration of what the gun is capable off:

YouTube- Tokyo Marui GLOCK18C GBB

But it seems to be restricted to 134a duster only. Prolly the reason why so many 18c user has problem with their gun, cauz they are using propane, the life expectency of a full auto pistol running on 134a only is certainly much higher! yet we seldomly see people using it

This gun is my next buy for sure! Certainly be better than the KSC one...

Alot of TM guns say hfc134a only but most handle really well on propane, and I'm guessing the new glock18c is mostly made up of old glock 17 parts with a couple or modifications in the rear. So there should be parts o plenty for it.
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