Funny, I didn't know Realsword made AK's, I thought they made chinese type 56's...
Things to remember:
400fps is a limit, not a goal
All veterans don't own 399fps guns, infact most of us shoot anywhere from 340-380 outdoors
FPS does NOT equal range
quality mechbox parts, barrel, and hopup rubber = range and accuracy
AEG's are the best starter guns
TM's are good cheap starter guns, they're the staple of performance and HIGHLY reliable without modification
CA's are your staple metal guns, if you have a TM and want a metal gun, buy a CA or G&P, it's cheaper than converting your TM to metal
Both CA and G&Ps are questionably reliable, some are tanks, some are not, bu if your replacing all your internals, then it's the body of the gun that matters
G&Ps need their gears shimmed before they're used in a game.
I don't know anything about SRC yet lol