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Old September 28th, 2010, 16:42   #591
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by JourneyMan View Post
I have a TM 5.1 with the Airsoft Surgeon hammer kit and leaf spring along with a Tanio Koba grip.

I'm getting an issue with the hammer not being able to actuate the knocker under certain circumstances. If I'm holding the gun in a natural, upright shooting position, the hammer will go to a half cock and won't move the knocker, however, if I'm holding the gun on its left side everything seems to work fine. This is really baffling me.
Increase the strength of the sear prong on the leaf spring. If it's too weak, it will not allow the sear to engage the hammer hooks fast enough.

Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
Here is a question for Brian and all you hicapa experts. Here is what Im using:

TK twist barrel
SD POM air nozzle
stock floating valve
nineball lipseal for my mag
KM cyclinder bulb for my mag

My hicapa 5.1 on green gas using 0.25 bastards is shooting:


I know that my FPS is supposed to be MUCH higher than that... Anyways, do any of u have any suggestions on what I should be looking for when attempting to diagnose my problem?
Those readings look low. You should be hitting MINIMUM 310fps (with 0.25g BBs) if everything else is stock and the KM "HIGH FLOW" valves are installed. Never heard of cylinder bulbs made by KM that go in the magazine... so I'm assuming you meant high flow valves.

What hammer spring are you using? You SHOULD be using a stronger one if you're trying to crack open a high flow valve under propane pressure.

Last edited by ILLusion; September 28th, 2010 at 16:44..
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