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Old September 30th, 2010, 17:44   #75
Assault Pioneer
formerly haakon45
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Location: Edmonton AB
Originally Posted by Paisley View Post
I resorted to his level sadly... your right. At least im admitting that was wrong no? He on the other will probably have no part of it as im expecting from what ive gotten from him. And my insults wern't as blunt as well. Sorry for the insults Dark (not like he deserves an apology)
He is a well known and respected member on ASC, your the Krakun Kid....

if he hurt your feelins boo fuckin hoo no one gives a shit, your wasting your time, don't you see your making yourself into a big joke?! it's not him it's you. your doing the textbook stylings of an angry kiddo on here that we see everymonth with the "your steering people away from airsoft!" act. Airsoft is a sport for like minded individuals to get together and have fun, if you can't take a little humility on the internet my god you must be a pussy in real life and we don't want pussies on our fields. WE ARE AN ACTUAL COMMUNITY, NOT JUST A BUNCH OF RANDOM USERS ON A RANDOM FORUM

none of this would have happened if you had just presented yourself in a mature manner in the first place, your trolling yourself here.

now stop it. don't reply to anyone that's poking fun at you and only talk about the original topic, if you continue this thread will degenerate more and you WILL get yourself banned, this is a textbook hole your digging I see it happen atleast once every two weeeks on here.

I totally forgot what this thread is about...

Oh right, G&G's. the Sig seems to be their only good machine, as said earlier G&G will change alot of their gun to conform to a retailers demand, this makes me think that G&G brought down the quality of their canadian line to keep costs down so they can be sold for a reasonable price here in canada, a 150% markup rather than the usual 300% markup of full black guns
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.
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