Ok...part boredom...but I've been wondering this for the past couple of months....
- development, production and sales of GBBR (gas blow back rifles) weapons have really taken off overseas.
- they've been out for a bit
- aftermarket parts are out there
- they're fun as sin....

- the How-To's, DIY and instructional stuff is accumulating
(note: I haven't gotten mine yet...hopefully the stars&moon will align that that will be changed soon).
I personally am wondering about the shot to shot consistency when gaming...we'll see I guess.
* Does anyone actually think these things are skirmishable/gameable here in Canada?
* Would you ditch ALL your AEGs/PTWs to go over to the gas-side?
* Are you positioning your GBBR as just a fun gun? Occasional use? Full-on go-to primary?
(Note: If you post up what make/model you've got...I'll keep a running tally for interest sake).