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Old December 18th, 2010, 06:06   #483
Ace of Spades©
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Oromocto
Package shipped out on the 15th xpress within the same city (Toronto). I expected it not to come in the next day as it usually does because of the high volume of parcels right now, but the package does not even come in after the 17th, it's two day arrival and it's within the SAME CITY! The kicker is the tracking status

1230 Package accepted
1300 Package information recieved

1600 Package arrive at Mississauga depot
2010 Package processed at Mississauga depot
2014 Package processed at Mississauga depot

1153 Package Processed at Mississauga depot
1647 Package processed at fucking Mississauga depot...

So the package took over 24 hours to arrive at the depot in ANOTHER city and then spend the better part of 2 days sitting somewhere. I call the help line to ask if I can go and pick it up, since it is urgent and I am told "We don't have the number to the depot". The manager was even worse and blatenly told me that it was my own fault for not getting PRIORITY SHIPPING!!!

Oh no, woe is me for thinking that xpress is good enaught for inter-city mail.
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