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Old December 31st, 2010, 13:23   #34
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Location: GTA
Originally Posted by Stewartb109 View Post
Atac has been around for a while as others have stated, however this camo is not as universal as you think. Its more black and khaki in person than the photos show. The camo swatch that was posted shopwing green....don't look at it because in person it doesn't show up.

As for the pouches, they are pretty nice looking, EXCEPT for the MOLLE color, it sticks out a lot, in a bad way. I personally like to mix ATAC with coyote to look better and break things up.

Uniform wise, it'll work great in winter woods with minimum snow, urban environments such as MOUTs or decayed cities. Also the Desert is ok but I still prefer the A'Stan issued DCU with a slight hue of pink.
thanks for the input. if that's the case, ill stick with tried and true MC.
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