Originally Posted by wingmantank
so what he was saying is Clearsoft = legal airsoft in Canada? That makes me feel like I am a criminal.
Sign me up...I am officially a criminal too then. Ken's interpretation of the "facts" but not ALL the facts about what is "considered" legal in Canada spewed by someone with a specific commercial interest in seeing it restrained as described, but not as is being universally interpreted across the CBSA, RCMP and others.
How do we get a "cast-in-stone" definition that leaves no room for interpretation so we can all live and play the same...or is that a dangerous goal? Indecision and uncertainty makes for turmoil. At the moment CBSA is ruled by memorandum and interpretation but those are not "laws" are they, as much as interpretations of laws or definitions with law, right? Am I wrong or are CBSA creating "laws" by interpreting "definitions" and is this because governing is weak and washed out, unwilling to make proper definitive law and preferring to leave that to those whose position it is to interpret law: law enforcement, customs agencies, courts (in rare cases)?