Originally Posted by ***** Pump
Yes I am important, who are you to say I am not?
In the big scheme of things in the CF you most likely aren't that important.. will the CF fall apart if you are not in it?
Originally Posted by ***** Pump
Who the hell does not think highly of themselves? Not getting far if you think your a POS.
Wow you are really reading to much into my comment.
Also theres a difference in being confident in your abilities, etc and being arrogant. Also there is a middle ground between thinking you are the fuckin most amazing person and a shit pump.
Originally Posted by ***** Pump
Of course I want the latest greatest thing ASAP, who the hell doesn't? It happens all the time.
Yea, but too get supply dudes to go around the system for you and ensure you are the first to get it is a bit much. Wait your turn and it will come.
Originally Posted by ***** Pump
Oh and I am in an infantry unit, so either way I am up the list especially with the upcomming lack of outbound task forces....
lack of outbound task forces? you do know Afghanistan isn't finished right.. Combat Mission is done, but still going to be 950+/- troops in Northern Afghanistan doing a training mission. As well who knows what may come up later.
Yes Infantry units are going to be the first to get the new uniforms.. but that's Regular Force Infantry units, if you are Reserve Infantry it may be awhile before the new stuff gets to the different Reserve units. Look at all the other new kit that came in, from what it seemed like to me it took awhile for the new Rain Jackets, C7A2s, Rucksacks, etc to get to the Reserve force. Can't say for sure though on the ICU, just have to wait and see.