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Old July 28th, 2011, 10:42   #20
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
frankly you cant get them new. Take a look on the classifieds, you might get lucky and find one there.

the plastic ones get in because of the clear lower. its not possible to get GBB pistols firing over 407fps without making them prohibitively expenive.

To answer the OP's question, I own both pistols. The KSC 1911a1 has a nice feel and kick, great gas consumption, and its really easy to get repair parts. mags arent as hard to find as everyone is saying, they are about the same price as TM mags though, 30-55$

The KJ MEU, has the TM compatibility that makes repair and upgrade parts available. the mags hold 23 bbs vs the KSCs 13. mags are easy to find wether they be TM or KJ.

basicly I would say they are comparable in both function and looks, but for reliablity go with the KSC ive put thousands of bbs through mine and am only now wearing out the feed nozzle.
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