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Old January 29th, 2012, 18:03   #24
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: New West BC
Originally Posted by 8thArmy View Post
What use to be known as "Cyma"(司马) is history, it was on the local chinese news when i was there. Tried to call their office # no one ever picks up anymore. Rumor is what are left of Cyma got bought out buy uncomfirmed company (most likely hongkong) and moved its facility into either hongkong or somewhere really hidden near Guangdong and hongkong border.

please be on topic, I appreciated and will still be appreciating someone with a direct hit on the products themselves.
if you have experienced both cyma and APS' s gearbox, Please say something about them as long as you have them in hand, like how crappy and wonky the brushing/piston/spring/gear/or some retardedly unnecessary blow-back action is.
otherwise, please just be a reader if interested or simply walk away.
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