I've been way too busy lately that I haven't been able to update or take pictures.
Anyway, I got it to rust. Salt water, warmth, and humidity. Ended up rusting the whole thing over a few times, leaving it to sit for a couple weeks each time. You've got to let it sit for a couple weeks while it's rusted, otherwise it won't cause any pitting and you'll be basically right back where you started (as long as you don't scratch up the finish with anything other than fine or superfine steel wool).
The Russian wood kit came in too - what a beauty - took me a while to drill and trim to fit, but it's well worth the ~$100 I paid for it. Thicker, older, denser wood (more layers of lamination) , and all the proper realsteel fittings (including the spring to shoot my real sword cleaning kit out of the stock). I put some wax and oil on the wood to preserve and protect it as well. No more upper handguard wobble for sure!
All I need now is a steel barrel. With that, it'll realistically be to the point where you can't tell the difference between it and an original, even if you had it in your hands. It looks that good now.
Buy some wood kits and start rusting!