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Old March 7th, 2012, 12:04   #81
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by KheSan View Post
Thanks m102404. That is a great explanation. Understanding the theory behind this makes it much easier to understand and the procedure makes sense. I lover tinkering and one of the things I am really looking forward to is tinkering and modding the guns. But, by the same token I don't want to break anything on these very expensive "toys" and be worse off than when I started. This is a great community and a great source for information. Thanks so much for your time. I'm sure others will get a lot out of this as well.
Yeah, that's a very good explanation.

I run a very custom SCAR, and I've tried most of the stuff out there for it; I again didn't find the NPAS to my liking. But try it, if it gets ya where you want consistently, you're good to go.

Be careful though, since you will want to change your bucking (hop up rubber), and the air seal on the stock one is horrible, we're talking a 60-90 FPS difference from that one to the Falcon, Nine Ball, or Modify. Although it might be different since you have the Canadian version of the gun, and not sure what tweaks WE made on those to get 'em shooting that hot OOtB.

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