Thread: New guy here
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Old March 31st, 2012, 01:32   #35
Join Date: Mar 2012
Originally Posted by HackD View Post
Being impulsive, or "Oh look at that, a new Shiney! Syndrome" is a sign of immaturity, young Padwan. Ok, I'm 44, and I have the same damned syndrome too.. But i am over 18, and do have other bills to pay, and to prioritize, otherwise.

My point? Financial responsibility and focus/prioritization is all a part of becoming more mature. A year REALLY isn't all that long a period, at all. Throw $5.00 or $10.00 into a pot every week or two, and by the time you get there, you can live being a 17 year old, buying 17 year old things, and by the time you are 18 you've got a good chunk of the $$ to buy a gun - and the way prices are going, it'll be cheaper then also. If you lose interest between now and then, then maybe it wasn't all that interesting to begin with - just a temporary obsession on this or that (I get those too).

I'd hope that Toronto Airsoft would refuse a sale, if you walked in your father and it was obvious that he was buying for you. I was in there today buying my own latest Shiney, and i didn't observe any under 18's there. At the youngest, there was a few 20-somethings there, and a few other old farts of my vintage.
I appreciate your post, but the thing is, all my friends are going to do games and battle during the summer and I know it might not be the best choice, but it's hard just not playing with them. We we're just going to practice in the woods next to my house and we we're planning to go in real games once we get 18, but we would rather practice first. All battles will be hosted on my, well my parents property.

What would you do in my case? I know this may sound immature, but I'm tired of using a Soft-air brand. I'm not that impulsive either though, I just tend getting bored if I don't have any hobbies. I drive my motorcycle and work on my Nitro R/C truck, but I would like to add another hobby to the stables.

I was originally going to buy a new computer for gaming, but realized I needed to do more exercise and play less games, I'm tired of all the games like Call of Duty and such. I really want to belong to a community and I would like it to be Airsoft. You people have been helpful since my first post and I would really like to spend more time here and get to know you guys. I respect what you are trying to say though.
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