Originally Posted by coach
Meh, the difference is so minor it is not worth switching over unless someone wants to buy the old ones at the full going used price.
Even with blue gasket seal the mag will still leak thanks to the crappy rubber. O-Ring are so saturated most of them are high quality and unprofitable for airsoft companies to make them....WE made the gasket rubber square oring for the Gen1 mag and it fail horribly.
Originally Posted by Rommen
The design looks alot like the mag design on the WE AK series. If so, that means it shouldn't leak... but hopefully they replaced the cheap plastic tabs that kept the shell and tank together, as they broke so easily..
The Mag design is copied of Tanio Koba where the resvoir is composed of two "cups" and a connector (if magazine is curved) This allows the use of O-Rings and allow magazine to be filled from the bottom.
WE started this with M14 (then G39, AK)
Originally Posted by Fox62
There's probably an FPS difference, as well as consistency from shot to shot, and first shot to last. Probably manage cold better, and are less prone to leaking, and more easily fixable. Sold?
It's just less leaky from what I've been told, the FPS and shot to shot difference are probably by chance or within margin of error
Originally Posted by dracu
well, lets wait til kullwarrior put his own review here. if its worth it then i'll go ahead and buy them.
Originally Posted by Basic-Wedge
Thanks to Kullwarrior's advance warning, I held off buying all the mags for my new M16 until the Generation 2 mags became available. Thanks again Bud!
Originally Posted by Padkiller
You guys find this website trusty?
I'm about to buy, not sure if milspec solutions is to be trusted?
Most retailers in HK have them now in-stock
I've ordered 5 mags from RA-Tech, should be shipped before end of Friday Taiwan time....Hopefully it will arrived before next Friday
The reason I told couple of folks to wait for the mag is simply fewer leaky problem. The last Gen1 I kept had to reseal after bluegasket failed the first time when I store it for a long duration. I can bet there are still going to be leak, those are much easier thanks to the O-Ring.
Originally Posted by audi_bhoy
kullwarior, I basically have a WE G39 that was once in your hands, your nickname is still written on the mags haha !!
I used Sharpie pen to mark them, just take the plate off and use iso-propyl alcohol to remove them.