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Old May 4th, 2012, 14:49   #29
kullwarrior's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Originally Posted by coach View Post
Then you haven't done it right. I have done a several dozen WE mags with blue gasket and none have come back to me. I store them gassed, empty, wet and/or dry without leaks. I have pre-oiled propane tanks that I don't even regularly use anymore as I clean and lube my gun regularly. Periodically will use oily gas to lube the valves but that's it.

If you are still using the stock square seal, then you aren't embedding it properly. Either get rid of it as per z0ng's tutorial or make sure it's well coated on both sides. I typically keep the seal as a spacer and lay a bead of gasket maker on both the cover and the mag. Also, avoid over tightening the 4 screws on the cover when curing. You can alway tighten them up after it has cured.
Trust me I've done it much like he put it. The first time was back before he recommand using the gasket. When it leak, the gasket I took out had cut which made holes in the square perimeter. What makes me made at Gasket is that it's so unpredictable when the pieces of gasket inside is going to come out. (some goes out right away others 30-50 mags later on)
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