As the Premier inter provincial WWII event, this event is for active WWII players who are already equipped. If you want to come , you have a little under a year to get ready, Contact you local WWII players for mentoring or for borrowing Kit.
This Event will be a "Level 1 event"
Level 1 - WWII Impression and weapon required. Complete kit authenticity is not enforced. Unit integrity is required; i.e. squads or larger must be of same historical unit affiliation. Individuals from other services or nationalities may be attached to these core squads
Modern gear and equipment is not permitted you are expected to have a complete impression 80% complete ( full marching order not required, but you should have proper Assault order )
the following is a list of "modern" firearms that will be permitted to be used
as a general guideline.. if it has rails on it it's not allowed
M14 variant
AK47 -variant
AK 74 -variant
SVD -varient
Any simple stock, "hunting style" bolt action rifle with iron sights ( no telescopic sights permitted )
Pistols - any 1911, Browning High power, Luger, PPK, modern "plastic pistols" such as GLOCKs not permitted
( more may be added to this list )
MAX FPS 400 with .20
( some WWII guns only have highcap magazines.. if this is the case the magazine may NOT be wound while in the gun. the magazine must be removed from the gun to be wound)
ALL Riflemen will carry a Maximum of 200 rounds
All Submachinegun users will carry a maximum of 200 rounds
All support gunners may carry a maximum of 1000 rounds.
Grenades - non pyrotechnic only ( unless pyrotechnic grenades are approved by the field owner )
RELOADING - no loose ammo may be carried in the field unless it is part of your 200 / 1000 round loadout
If you carry loose ammo no loader may be used, you must reload by hand.
Reloading in a rear area or base is permitted, loaders may be used in base
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier
If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; May 17th, 2012 at 15:14..