Originally Posted by DarkAngel
I just wish I was asked about this first in person to give a chance to explain as no-one had even mentioned or brought this issue to my attention. This includes mods/admins/players.
Kokanee challenged you directly at the game, and you provided him a specific reply regarding your service with Queen's York Rangers. That is pretty specific, it is also how this all came about in the first place.
Originally Posted by Kokanee
I asked them if they were in the Forces, to which I got an affirmative reply. I then inquired what Unit, and I was told "I'm in QYRANG", which is short for the Queen's York Rangers.
Furthermore, did you or did you not volunteer information as to your involvement with a DOMOP involving Toronto being completely snowed in back in November 2000? This is also very specific, which I find rather peculiar ... however considering your age, wouldn't you have been age 14 at the time of that OP? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe anyone can serve (even domestic ops) in the CF at the age of 14... even under some sort of Highschool Co-op placement.