I shovelled snow during a snowstorm. It was not the "Lastman Snowstorm".
I had said to Kokanee "At least it was not the Lastman Snowstorm, some hero I am."
It was meant as a joke.
I was not aware I was being challenged by Kokanee. I did my co-op in '02, not 2000. I did not ever state a month.
@C3sk, you asked me these questions last zombie game (2011), I'm surprised you don't remember asking me. Ken (Kingsix), Evan (Gato) were both present at the time when you asked.
All Seriousness aside, I have a beard (I sure as hell ain't a lumberjack commando), I'm severely out of shape (I've gained a crap-load of weight over the last 5 years). What could I possibly gain out of pretending to be an officer? Who would believe me lol?
Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns
Last edited by DarkAngel; July 9th, 2012 at 15:40..