The only reason to use two pistols at the same time is that you are never vulnerable. I tend to shot more with my right hand, and when it's time to reload that pistol, I still have over half a mag in my left hand pistol. I rarely ever point both pistols unless SHTF really bad and I just want to shoot as many round as possible in direction of the enemy before a certain death. Yep, you read that right, certain death.
Well aimed shots will always fare better than wild shots with two pistols at the same time.
So, to keep it simple, if you want to do it, one pistol in each hand, aim with only one at a time. When one pistol is out of ammo, reload it. Never let both run out of ammo. The only point of using two pistols is to always be able to return fire.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.
Québec province's master age verification representative.