A simple quiz for under 18 Airsoft
1. Are your parents or an adult always, without exception in Supervisory Distance when you are using an Airsoft Gun?
Yes or No
2. Do you are parents keep the airsoft gun locked up, or in a place where you have no access when they are not around
Yes or No
3. Does your parent or responsible adult always, without exception ensure you are using the airsoft gun in a safe, and responsible manner, including appropriate eye protection for all of those around you?
Yes or No
4. Does your parent or responsible adult always, without exception ensure you are using the airsoft gun in a location that you are legally allowed to shoot it?
Yes or No
5. Have your parents or responsible adult attended with you some form of training on the normal safe handling of an airsoft gun?
Yes or No
Score 1 to 2 No's - Your parent or responsible adult is not that responsible
Score 3 No's - Your parent or responsible adult is not responsible, and should not be allowed to supervise you, or any other children.
Score 4 No's - Neither you nor your parent should be allowed to handle anything more dangerous than a newspaper.
Score 5 No's - It is most probable that your family could be used as extras for Deliverance. Please run away from home, and find a caring family that actually cares for you.
6 Section, 2 Forward Observation Unit Airborne, Royal Artillery
Level 2 Certified BA Sniper
Sniper Instructor (Fieldcraft)
Last edited by Mr.Shiney; July 12th, 2012 at 23:19..