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Old July 18th, 2012, 16:02   #11
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Location: Somewhere between Hamilton Ontario, and Hell..
Originally Posted by Costane View Post
I removed the retailer link. Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for the info about the gear, I think I'll bring my pouch/holster to the store and just see if they fit before I buy.

In the case of having a rifle, would you recommend more magazines for it? I was thinking 2-3 extra pistol mags, and maybe, 4-5 rifle mags. (Not including the racked mag)

Also, a 2.5L camel pack would be really heavy wouldn't it? I think I'd go for flavored water. They have electrolytes added and they taste okay. But I don't really know the long time use of it, if it would make me sick or something.
For my M4, I generally run 6 120rnd mid-caps. Never have used all of them in one go. Your ammo loadout really depends on the type and duration of games that you are attending.

A 2.5 litre camel pack isn't heavy at all. As far as flavored water goes, i usually just mix up a dilute mix of canned fruit punch from the grocers and freeze it before the game. Not too sticky diluted, and cleans out pretty easily afterwards.

Originally Posted by Costane View Post
Thank you guys for being so welcoming and friendly! With the King Arms M4A1, I kind of like the nylon body more than the full metal. Would I be able to change the rail system and stock on the metal body? I'm also quite intrested in the King Arms AK47 fixed stock....Mmmmm...AK...
Full metal M4A1 is the way to go. Fully compatible with add-ons, and is generally more durable.

Last edited by HackD; July 18th, 2012 at 16:05..
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