I'll say it again. Go to a game or training event or whatnot first.
Take the loaner stuff if you can for the first event. Again, there seems to be at least 2 or 3 guys at most games that can easily kit another player out half decently for a day.
US, Commonwealth and German gear and uniforms each have a different feel and comfort level.
I have at least 6 field impressions hovering around the 80% completion level or higher give or take. Some of the impressions I can wear all day and then some. Others fall into the "celebration of uncomfortable clothes" category.
And if you are going for a German impression, you should at the very least pick up two Axis items made by SM Wholesale USA (sssmwholesale is their store on ebay). Their stuff is not cheap nor is the shipping. But the quality and authenticity is top shelf. Their jackboots are as close to the real deal as it gets as far as reproductions are concerned.
Originally Posted by Aper
Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.