Originally Posted by Crossfire034
I apologize for reviving this thread, but as it turns out I've got another question to ask. Lets say you buy a weapon with clear/smokey plastic, after dissembling the bits is it advisable to do anything before spraying paint on it? I've heard of sanding the pieces down for a "smoother" coat, but I'm not so sure of that.
I wouldn't even disassemble it. Cover the ejection port, tape over the front sight post and the rear peep sight, and then spray light coats of krylon camo on it.
results as shown:
Takes about 5 minutes. *Note: this is not a clear receiver, the effect is similar, though paint does wear eventually and the clear will start to show through instead of the ultra 1337 black metal bodies... which is what you should be buying anyways.

Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
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lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.