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Old September 24th, 2012, 09:21   #1
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Help with properly setting the trigger in the gearbox

Hey fellow airsofters,

It's my first time changing spring on a v2 gearbox, and i was able to do it all accordingly. This is on a stock G&P LMT TR. However, the problem came when i tried to close the gearbox.

The trigger popped out of its place, and it wont stay in the gearbox.

1) Is it normal for the trigger to be popping out of the bottom half of the gearbox if its not held in place by hand? (ie. if i take my finger off the trigger, its gonna fly out)

The instruction video i saw on youtube, had the trigger in place without holding on to it.

2) From the picture attached below, could someone tell me where should the tip of the trigger spring (circled in RED) be fitting into? Right now, if i install it, its sitting on the red plastic (YELLOW arrow) and that is as far as it will reach. I dont think its correct, coz the spring will pop out as mentioned in 1). Is the proper fit at the BLUE arrow position? If so, the spring seems too short to reach the blue arrow.

Any suggestions or pointing me to a diagram/instruction video on this topic would be appreciated!
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