Thread: Airsoft QC
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Old January 21st, 2013, 11:06   #56
Nickaayyy's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Deux-Montagnes,QC
Hi guys,

I've read all the comments on Airsoft QC and I not quite sure I want to buy from them, but i got a problem.

I want to buy the new KWA Kriss Vector and I only found Revolution Airsoft and Airsoft Qc who got one. But revolution is having a hard time to get enought mechandise for all the demands (i've contacted them personally and they told me even in U.S. they have this kind of problem).

Airsoft QC told me they should have one in around 2 weeks (if it true) but he said its gonna be in MTL.

So my question is, should I try to cooperate with this Martin or its a complete waste of time (im an old paintball player and i've already had a dealer who was a complete jerk before, so im use to it). Plus, is there other shop that i didnt see that sell that beauty?

Thank you for the help
P.S: Sry for bad english, my main is french.
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