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Old January 28th, 2013, 14:43   #48
Cico's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Rockwood, ON
Now I'm going to pose this as an option from my perspective as a G&P Dbal owner that didnt relize when he bought it that the laser is not rated safe. If i was to come to the game and use my Dbal in the iluminator finction with the focus being down to a minimal setting(looking like a laser) would that constitue disregard for the rules as I am not using the laser function? I am more than willing to submit myself to the testing with the device that C3SK has to vefiy intensity prior to use as I do not want to knowingly cause eye injury. Now the only issue in my doing the above that i see arising is the he said she said of wether or not I am on the laser setting as the illimunotor and designator are housed in the same box. If i was on the flipside of this I would alow this to happen with a seasoned and trustworth player that I/the community have played along side with in the past with no other issues.
Originally Posted by DBspotter View Post
A number of camo players just walked around with guns on their backs or hanging down with no kill indicators on them and expected players to know they are dead. I'm assuming most of these players drive BMW's and refuse to use the indicators because they know where they are going.
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