Thread: Helmet Gallery
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Old February 19th, 2013, 16:54   #919
OM3GA's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Orillia, Ontario
You can get a Velcro set from Ops-core but it is pricy, the better bet is to just buy some 3m Velcro strips. A cover like the First Spear one or the TYR Tactical one is also an option if you want more Velcro real estate.

As for the war bungee I got mine direct from War Sport International and the shipping was only $6.

Accessories wise there is a a lot of stuff. A few examples are the Princeton Tec MPLS lights (charge, switch, point, remix pro), the Ops-core contour mount, Smith optics boogie regulator rail mount kit, Peltor comtac rail adapters, Petzl STRIX helmet light, the list goes on.

You can get most of this stuff in country, Rampart International has the Princeton Tec line and the contour mount. CTOMS has the Ops-core rail accessories, and Oneshot Tactical has the Boogie regulator kit.

Durate et vosmet rebus servate secundis.

Last edited by OM3GA; February 19th, 2013 at 16:57..
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