Ok, so I've spent pretty much the last three days searching multiple forums trying to get an answer to a question. Let me start with a small preamble. I plan on picking up a GHK AKMS in the next week or so, but I have a problem. Living in Canada, especially Alberta, weather can be a bitch. Temperature fluctuations on more than 10 degrees in a game are common. Because of this, GBBRs can easily jump or drop FPS. I'm looking for consistency. I plan to use
these GHK AKM CO2 magazines.
Because CO2 is generally considered to be more stable and less dependant on ambient temperatures, am I better off to go with CO2? I know CO2 will give me higher FPS, but I also need to regulate that as I want to use this gun both indoor (about 350 fps with 0.2g) and outdoor (about 400-410 fps with 0.2g, absolute max of 425). The only parts I have found so far that seem that they will work are the
Ra-TECH NPAS and the
FG-Airsoft adjustable nozzle. Now apparently both of these systems should allow me to regulate the pressure, and thus change the FPS, of my AKM.
So I guess I have a few questions. First off, am I even in the right ballpark with assuming either of these choices will work? Secondly, does anyone have any experience with either of these items and C02? If not, is there a better option that will work?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
*edit* I'll also be installing the Samoon Enhanced Recoil system to the gun that seems to work better with CO2, and possibly the Samoon steel outer barrel.