Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
Someone mentions anything about a 249, I just GOTTA chime in lol
1) It's an LMG, who needs a safety? LOL
2) The safety is you unplug the battery, not ideal for P*, but that's just how it goes
3) AUG HOP CHAMBER. Way better than the CA style chamber
4) Standard run of the mill V2 mechbox from an M4, only difference is the big trigger.
5) Heavy. Rugged. Damn near indestructible body.
6) 2500 round box mags, that can actually be easily expanded to hold MORE AMMO if you're not using the bottom of it to hold a large battery!
I love the G&P one, I really do but the thing is, they dont let you use the m4 mags. As stupid as I sound saying this, I'd much rather use a m4 midcap than a drummag, Im super paronoid playing at night anyways.