Puxing 888k switching to FM radio mode
So i just came back from a 24 hour game, and on the way home, we had a little convoy of cars comming home, so we were using our radios to talk to each other. Part way through the drive my 888 started switching to FM radio mode without any button pushes. I had it sitting out on my lap. It was doing it without the PTT headset plugged in, and with it plugged in. Tried turning it off and on again a few times, nothing seemed to make it stop.
The only thing I can think of, is maybe the batteries are pretty much dead (though the battery gauge says full battery), because it was on for almost the whole 24 hours. I am currently charging it to see if that will make a difference. Has anyone had something like this happen before? I've only had the radio for about 2 weeks.