Originally Posted by coach
Give your rifle to your friend. Tell said friend to shoot you from 5-10 feet, in you arm, back, leg, stomach, knee, groin, etc...then a burst of full auto from knees up to shoulders.
I don't recommend head shots but I can't stop your friend from fully testing your rifle out on YOU!
If you come out without crying for mommy, and only the odd bleeder, I'd say you're good to go with 475fps.
wow , i'm not the bad guy with a 475fps gun hurting my friends , WE ALL use g&g MAX airsoft guns 450-475fps. And yes the forest is on a private property, this forest is huge. We don't shoot ourselves from 5 feet ! We are normaly shoting ourselves from 50 feet +. Also we are not kids ; we know how to play safe , we know our airsoft guns are not toys.
Also English is not my 1st language