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Old August 7th, 2013, 12:18   #548
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
May I ask where you got your MAP pack from ? Did you GMR mod it?
Also I've found the S&S 6094 magazine insert pretty good compared to the Mayflower insert. It's a little more bulky but there's enough retention to not have to use the bungee cords.
My MAP is a Flyye replica, I got it from shootercbgear roughly a year ago. I was going to have it mini modded, decided not to. I am actually probably replacing it with the Emdom Vehicle Hydration Carrier.

I've never tried the S&S. I actually run my Mayflower Insert without the bungees. The APC Kangaroo pouch is already semi tight, and I haven't had any rogue magazines just yet. do S&S 6094 Inserts fit APC's?
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