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Old August 13th, 2013, 14:37   #13
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Victoria, BC
Not just fire selector markings, trades are wrong too: unilingual, no model number.


Since examples are commonly available (there's even an engraving template kicking around from the DIY C7/C8 projects) either G&G doesn't care to be accurate or cannot be (due to licensing or what have you).

I don't want to be dumping on G&G, since I do support the idea of CF replicas. It's just that they only have to go a little farther in certain details (as outlined in the community) and they will have a winner. Since there is no set release date, I'm hoping they collect some of this commentary and tweak the offering before release.

Also it would be nice to see a C8.

Last edited by DustMagnet; August 13th, 2013 at 14:41..
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