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Old October 2nd, 2013, 22:13   #1
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Hamilton
Grub screw stripped my threads - AM I screwed?

Taking nearly 30 minutes with the boiling method paired with a torch - I still couldn't get the ak flash hider of my aeg

By calling upon the power of Gray Skull, I managed to twist a good portion - then looking down and noticing my outer barrel threads were completely stripped.

Out comes the dremel and I cut the shit off hoping I still have some remaining threds - I would have been satisfied with half - turns out I really have one and a half left but attachments still manage to stay on.

So what are my options to re-thread? Send it to a machinist? Are there any self fixes? I thought about wrapping some teflon tape, attaching something, then removing it, then applying crazy glue to the teflon tape after it has the imprinted threads..
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