As the team where firearms license is almost a must to join, we (KGB Network) are outraged by the recent ban imposed on firearms community by a liberal government. This ban was carefully implemented to circumvent the democratic process that all of us petitioned for and turned hundreds of thousands of law-abiding gun owners into criminals, as well as allowed the government to take away private property.
On behalf of the KGB Network team, I'd like to ask everyone, who shares our passion for firearms, whether it's airsoft or real steel, or just wants to support the firearms community, to follow few simple steps that were sent to me by
It is the time to step up and make a difference, no one is exempt.
The First step is to sign Petition E-2574.
The Second step is to get everyone you know to sign Petition E-2574.
The Third Step is to join a firearms organization; I personally recommend either the CCFR or the CSSA.
The Fourth step is to overwhelm Parliament with written letters, emails and phone calls.
First they came for the automatic rifles, and I did not speak out
Because I did not have an automatic rifle.
Then they came for the "military" rifles (semi-autos), and I did not speak out
Because I did not have a "military" rifle.
Then they came for the handguns, and I did not speak out
Because I did not have a handgun.
Then they came for my hunting rifle and there was no one left to speak for me.
This ban has only a political agenda and has absolutely no influence on how criminals obtain firearms to kill people.
Why it is important for Airsofters to react?
As we witness the ban that wen in effect purely based on the knee-jerk reaction to NS shooting; how do you think Liberal will react when some idiot decides to threaten someone with an airsoft rifle? Yeah, likely we'll get a ban on airsoft guns because they look scary. So we'll end up running with clear plastic ones...
Related Links
Complete list of firearms that are now prohibited
NFA Talks - Law and Guns
Contact information of your local MP if you wish to contact them directly and ask questions.
Canadian Gun Nutz - good topics to read and take action upon