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Old May 10th, 2020, 18:34   #10
Full-Auto-Seer's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
The most telling thing about this ban is that it's all lip-service. Legally, my SKS is 100% not an "assault weapon" apparently. Semi-auto, 5 rounds of centrefire, same as an AR if you aren't breaking the law.

And yet, they never touched the SKS. Nor the Type-81, Type-97, TAR-21, AG M/42B, Remington 81, etc, etc. Those guns aren't "infamous" yet, so they aren't touched by this bullshit.

Also, the new joule limit. My buddy bought himself a new moose-rifle a few weeks before this shit. It's a .300 Win Mag with a 3-shot internal magazine. It's now a "prohibited device." Half of his shotguns are now "assault weapons" because they have a removable choke. That puts the bore at the muzzle above 20mm. But they said they weren't going to take away our hunting rifles. NOTHING about this ban is logical. It only sounds good to people who know jack shit about firearms, and only hear what's shouted at them the loudest. So in this situation, be need to be louder.

Join the CCFR. Support their case against this borderline tyrannical OIC. If you think Trudeau's government won't come for airsoft next, you're a fool. We're already on thin ice, the only reason we can have airsoft is because they "have utility as pest control devices." We already cannot own "replica firearms," including ones *THAT CAN'T EVEN SHOOT ANY PROJECTILES.*

When COVID regulations are relaxed where you live, begin protesting. Be professional, do not be violent. Show these fools in parliament that we are more intelligent and more civilized than they ever could be. Educate everyone you know. Tell them the truths that the Trudeau government want to hide. Demand that our government cease attempting to arrest the law-abiding while they ignore the true issues. Demand that our government improve mental healthcare resources. Demand that our government improve anti-gang and anti-smuggling operations. Those are the true issues, but they require effort, and we all know how politicians are when we ask them to work.
I own more GBB guns than AEGs, because I'm a stubborn bastard who hates doing things the easy way.
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