Any thoughts on my 4.3 vision. Too boring? Wanted it to feel and
look tactical but still have some accents that really set it off.
Not 100% on the cmore.
Anyways. Spent this day on fitting the GunsmithBros slide onto the
oem lower 5.1 frame. There was some filing I had to do. It's not
finished but it's on it's way there. Thoughts? Enjoy the photos.
There is one problem, which I haven't looked into yet but I will.
I'm almost certain it has to do with the leaf spring but just in case
I'll ask. It works great to just cock the hammer back and release it
with the trigger...but when I put the slide on and load a bb with it,
the hammer does not release when pulling the trigger. If I take out
the mag, and sorta slap it in with some minor force. THEN I can get
a proper hammer response. What gives?
Last edited by famidrive; December 23rd, 2013 at 14:50..