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Old February 27th, 2014, 15:23   #3
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Originally Posted by Krawch View Post
Saw that aswell pretty sick though I am not a fan of that non-magpul body I almost bought one myself but for the same reasons as you was turned off from the front wire with moe handguard and dont like the look of a peq so I am hoping they rear wire the magpul version too havent heard yet what their plans are if all my dreams came true I would be able to stick the internals in my vfc stoner rifle externals haha
Well considering Magpul has pulled PTS/KWA's licensing rights, I don't think they'll be producing any more Magpul traded receivers. Though there are rumors of them potentially producing LWRC traded PTS products as they have the licensing rights. Wouldn't mind that as I like LWRC receivers more than Magpul receivers lol.

And considering you can use any rail system you want, it isn't that big of a deal breaker. I don't mind blank receivers that much. The only restriction you have with the new ERG though is that you're stuck with the sopmod stock, which some people might not like.
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