yes and no.
I personally do not like swapping springs between games... once a gearbox is well tuned, I don't like jinxing that shit. Something comes back together slightly different, you'll never get it working the same way again. lol.
I would advise against running a powerful neodymium motor with less than m110 springs.. you get a phenomenon called overspin when a spring is that weak. Basically your gears might be spinning so fast that when you let off the trigger, there's enough momentum to spin a partial or even a full cycle, so you'll get bursts in semi auto.
You could do it, just realize you could run into busting issues. This is a problem if you're not allowed to use full auto at your games. Fancy computerized mosfets with active braking could help reduce it, but physics being the way they work... doubt you can eliminate it completely.
Those upgrades stealth is recommending are in the 400-500$ total area... riot gears are chromoly steel CNC machined... they run around 150$ just for the gearset. Add in another 100 or so for piston, cylinder head, nozzle, piston head and sorbo pad... 60$ for the motor... and you'll need a reasonably large battery to pull that (that can last a game) You'd also be silly at that point not to install even the most basic of mosfet at 30$. You're going to need a pretty good amount of amps to pull that spring and gearset trigger contacts don't like that amount of raw current arcing between them.
That kind of build is the envy of a lot of people on the field... but few can build it reliably. 500+ fps is crack the front of the gearbox off territory, even with a lot of those preventative things in place.
I'd have 2 rifles for that if I wanted high power target shooting outside of games. Some guns are more welcoming to that... like ares g36s with the quick swap spring, g&g p90, the KA elite p90, the g&g fn2000. These all have quick change spring mechanisms. A v2 requires you to open everything up and disassemble it all. Gearbox screw holes can strip, pistol grip screw holes WILL strip... it's a lot of needless assembly/disassembly cycles imo.
I had not considered the rof control from computerized fets. It's an option... bit of a hack depending on how the software handles the motor throttling/timing.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.