In short, I haven't placed any orders for new parts yet. Furthermore, FirestormX mention things on my mind and things that deserve a response.
About the M9, I am probably going to get a KJ Beretta M9 from 007 airsoft. Although not right away, since I bought the KJ 1911A1 (for $150 brand new at Ultimate :P) Overall I think these are the pistols that last and are of good quality.
I should also add that I'm moving to BC in early May. I get the sense that BC airsoft fields are more outdoor and have more open space. Which means I really need to get an airsoft rifle. They seem to have indoor stuff too, so I still have use for a pistol.
Going back to the WE G17, I paid $110 for it used. So I am not terribly disappointed that it failed. In some ways it is expected. At the moment I am thinking that restoring a used G17 would be an interesting pastime activity. The real question is if after market/replacement parts could make a WE G17 "usable". FirestormX give me the impression that is not the case.
Thanks for everyones responses, emre1337 included
Last edited by loafing_smurf; April 22nd, 2014 at 21:38..