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Old May 22nd, 2014, 16:13   #42
famidrive's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2013
Finally got the C-More replica, and I'm impressed by the quality.
Really nice! However I'm not sure why they send a guarantee
note which would go to the real manufacturer if sent? Ah well.
Came with 3 allen keys to open or tighten any screws.

Polymer accessory rail looks pretty tight, but since it's cheap
it needs some modifications to look alright. misaligned screw
holes and...some molding issues. But I enjoy doing stuff like

Hope you enjoy the photos.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg polymerflash2.jpg (288.4 KB, 16 views)
File Type: jpg polymerflash1.jpg (271.3 KB, 15 views)
File Type: jpg polymerflash.jpg (705.3 KB, 13 views)
File Type: jpg cmprofile.jpg (212.8 KB, 14 views)
File Type: jpg cmpackage.jpg (247.0 KB, 13 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_3423.jpg (273.4 KB, 17 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_3429.jpg (238.3 KB, 15 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_3434.jpg (297.9 KB, 16 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_3435.jpg (350.8 KB, 17 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_3437.jpg (220.8 KB, 16 views)
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