Most of the guys in the team are running the Allwins. We did get some blown crotches (easily repaired) and some of the guys say the thighs are... tight (no pun intended :P ) so you'd better try them on beforehand if you can. Trying MC G3s should do it, but the cut is different from the ACs. Mind you, real Crye G3 have a more fitting cut than the ACs, too.
Some also have the TMCs, no complains on quality so far, but the colouring isn't as good as the Allwins and they fade quick.
I've heard good things from guys down in the US about the FFIs, but have not seen them first-hand.
Some pics from yesterday's team training:
Note that I haven't been able to confirm if the Yote has been issued to MARSOC units. It's part of the SFLCS catalogs and SF gets it - the same catalog from which MARSOC kits are built, but that doesn't necessarily include the same thing. I risked it, but they haven't been confirmed.